Monday, January 2, 2012

Christian: Be Prepared!

Be Prepared, is the Boy Scout motto.
It is also the admonishment from our Lord:

Be on guard! Be alert! (Mark 13:33 NIV)
What I say to you, I say to everyone: 'Watch!' (Mark 13:37 NIV)

The Word of God, His Logos, has been given to us to prepare us
For every issue it addresses; every issue of this life.
This is true of our generation and every previous generation.
However, every generation faces a unique set of circumstances,
As the world did prior to World War II.

I believe we are facing The Time Of The END.
The books I have written are Bible studies that address The Time Of The END and The “Season” Of The Last Generation, that precedes it. They represent my personal preparation before God. They are studies of the Logos, the written Word of God, and commentary on the Rehma; what I believe the Spirit of God is saying through His Logos.

This is the time when the world in it's present form will pass away.
(1 Corinthians 7:31)

Christ Jesus said:
What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight;
What is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops.
(Matthew 10:27)

This is what the Remah portion of my books and writing represent.
You can read all of my books without cost by going to my blog: You can also request them and I will send them to you by email.

The books include: Called By Christ To Be ONE, The Time Of The END, The Season Of The Last Generation, Daniel, Worship God In Spirit and In Truth and Overcoming The Evil One. The blog writing represents what God is speaking to me on a daily basis.

My prayer is that the people of God will be prepared for what lies ahead. That they will not be surprised or disillusioned; That they will be like the five wise virgins who were ready; who had enough oil to go with the Lord, the Bridegroom, when He came. (Matthew 25:1-13)
Oil in this parable is a “type” of the Holy Spirit; the anointing of The Anointed One.

The Spirit of Christ and the Word of God tell me that many Christians will not be ready, and will find themselves in The Great Tribulation with but one alternative, to refuse the “mark” of the Beast and die for Christ. This need not be you.

I implore you, prepare yourself now. Make sure that you are water washed, blood washed, baptized in the Holy Spirit and walking in the Light of Christ. Speaking in tongues as often as possible. Worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth. Gathering often with those who believe the whole Word of God, and the words of Christ Jesus; Seeking first, and above all the Kingdom of God.

Those living in the Kingdom of God, The Secret Place of the Most High God, will have all they need, according to the promise of Christ Jesus; they will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

Remember, the Great Delusion that is coming; the revealing of the Antichrist, will be so powerful as to deceive even the Elect, if that were possible. (Matthew 24:24), (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

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