Friday, December 30, 2011

Hell! The Absence Of God

Hell is the absence of God, the opposite of Heaven.
To know what Hell is like you have to know what Heaven is like.
Heaven is God's Kingdom; where He rules and reigns.
Heaven is Holy as God is Holy; Perfect as God is Perfect.
It is filled with the Glory of God, His supernatural essence,
His Anointing.
God is Love, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit; everything that is good.
Apart from God there is no good thing—nothing!
God, Christ Jesus, is the only Way, the only Truth and the only LIFE.
In Hell there is no way, no truth and no life.

The Way
The Way to Heaven, to Paradise, to Love, Peace and Joy
In the Holy Spirit,
Is the Anointing of the Anointed One;
The supernatural essence of God.
It is God having put His law in our minds
And written them upon our hearts.
It is Christ in us our hope of glory, our hope of Heaven.

The Truth
The Word of God is the only Truth that exists;
Christ Jesus is the Word manifested, in a body.
Men pretend to know truth,
But if they do not know as God knows, they know nothing.

God is LIFE, that is Eternal LIFE. There is only One, Christ Jesus.
Christ Jesus alone is God, who alone is LIFE.
In the beginning God gave mankind Eternal LIFE.
But their sin stole it from them and left them with only natural life.
The days of this natural life are numbered and end.
However, the soul is eternal; it never dies;
It either goes to Heaven or Hell.

God created Hell for Satan and his fallen angels
And all those who reject the Christ of God, Jesus.
The place only Christ Jesus can keep you from.

As Christ Jesus is the opposite of Satan,
So Heaven is the opposite of Hell.
As Heaven is wonderful and good so Hell is awful and bad.
As Heaven is forever, so Hell is forever because our soul is eternal.

Heaven has everything God created on earth but with no sin.
Everything in Heaven is supernatural, no decay or death.
Heaven is perpetual, supernatural LIFE.
We will have a supernatural body just like Christ Jesus,
Not subject to sickness, disease, death, or pain.

Hell is saturated with sin.
Hell is perpetual decay; it is perpetual death;
You have no body, yet you feel sick, diseased and continual pain.

Heaven has the River of LIFE, which contains the Water of LIFE.
It has the “Tree of LIFE,” that brings continual LIFE.

Hell is a “waterless pit,” where there is no life at all;
Continual thirst with no water.(Zechariah 9:11)

Heaven is filled with the Light of Christ Jesus, continually.

In Hell there is no light at all
It is continual darkness where you will see nothing at all.

In Heaven there will be continual communion with God
And all of the saints of Heaven
In the atmosphere of the Glory of Heaven.

In Hell, you will be aware of nothing and no one.
You will be completely isolated and alone.

In Heaven all that you desire will be yours,
And far beyond what you could think or ask for.
God will revel more of His infinite glory continually.
You will be perfect and holy as God is perfect and holy.
You will have Love, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit.

In Hell, you will desire everything you have on earth
But will have no way to fulfill those desires, forever.
In that sense you create your own hell,
Your “worm,” your unfulfilled desires, will never cease,
They will never die. (Mark 9:48)
There is no love, no peace and no joy.

For more on Hell, see: The Truth About Hell,

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