Saturday, November 12, 2011

When God Lets Go!

God lets go of a nation when they turn their back on God.
When God lets go of a nation, 
That nation is then in the hands of the evil one,
Who came to steal, kill and destroy.
Today, America has turned her back on God.
America will have unending trouble until she turns back to God, 
If she ever will.
God alone is good; there is no goodness apart form God. (Mark 10:18)
Where there is no fear and love for God, there is no goodness.
America has turned her back on God
And is becoming increasingly evil because of this.
She calls what is evil, good and what is good evil.
Everyone does what is right in their own eyes the end thereof is death.
(Proverbs 14:12), (Judges 17:6)

Today, America is currently plagued with trouble.
Wickedness abounds throughout her society.
Economically she is paralyzed; spending 40% more than she takes in.
The national debt is enormous and continually rising.
With no plan to ever resolve this situation.
The interest payment on the debt alone could sink her economic boat.
Today, America is morally and economically bankrupt.

The only thing special about America in the past was her goodness.
This goodness having been brought about by her devotion to God,
Which brought the blessing of God.
Now that devotion is gone, and she is in the devil's camp
And the devil who came to steal, kill and destroy
Is now free to perpetrate his evil work on America.

The so called, greatest nation on earth,
Is now the greatest deceived nation on earth.

After the fall of Adam and Eve, mankind was hopeless.
Because of this God sent His only Son as the Savior for mankind;
For those who would receive Christ Jesus as their Savior.
Everyone else stood condemned to hell.
The only hope for any nation is to honor and serve the Christ of God.

Unless America turns back to God as did the Prodigal Son, she is hopeless.
The hand of Christ Jesus is always extended to those who repent
And turn from their wicked ways and to Him with their whole heart.
That is the only hope there is in this world.

Christ Jesus said:
'Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong;
Let him who is vile continue to be vile;
Let him who does right continue to do right;
And let him who is holy continue to be holy.

Behold, I am coming soon!
My reward is with Me,
And I will give to everyone according to what he has done.'
(Revelation 22:11-12)

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