Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My House Is A House Of Fire!

My House burns with the fire of My Spirit, says the Lord
My House is the House of the Rushing Mighty Wind
Of tongues of fire
Of utterances given by the Holy Spirit
Of sons and daughters prophesying
Of old men dreaming dreams and young men seeing visions.
This is My House!

I have given My people Living Water to drink
And it flows continually from deep within them
Unto every good work and every miracle
I have washed them in My blood

In My House
Are the called and chosen
They live in the Secret Place of the Most High God
They ask but for one thing, Me and My House
Apart from Me they have no good thing
Their names are written in My Book of LIFE
I have confered on them My Kingdom
I have given them the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven

In My House
Meetings are consecrated with My Glory
They worship in Spirit and in Truth
They seek first and above all else the Kingdom of God
My Kingdom is their pearl of great price and purchased
Their great treasure found in a field and purchased
My Kingdom is their treasure and where their heart is

In My House
The sick are healed, the blind see, the lamb walk, demons cast out
They freely give what they have been freely given
And the dead are raised.
There is the freedom, body, soul, mind and spirit, I came to bring
They abide in the Vine

They are blessed and poor in spirit
They are humble and contrite in spirit and tremble at my Word
They have taken My yoke upon them and learn from Me
They eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man.
They eat the Bread of LIFE
They drink from My cup
They ask and receive
They give and what they need is given to them
They are good trees bearing good fruit
They have fallen upon the Stone and are broken to pieces
They live by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
They have taken up their crosses and followed Me
They deny themselves for My sake and have received My LIFE
They do not seek life in this life but they seek My LIFE
Their faith can move mountains
They have changed and become like children before Me
They forgive and are forgiven
They have clean hands and clean hearts
They guard their hearts
They are good Samaritans
They are persistent in prayer
They have found the narrow gate
They know Me and are known by Me
They have maintained their first love
They have receive their giftings and operate in them
They have much and are given more
They give to the least of these My brothers
They give to Caesar what is Caesars and to God what is God's
They work out their salvation in fear and trembling before Me

In My House
They can interpret the signs of the times
They will recognize the time of God's coming to them
They are virgins with plenty of oil
They await the wedding banquet clothed in wedding clothes
They are dressed and ready for service
They will open the door immediately for their Master
They are hated by all nations because of Me
They will be betrayed by parents, brother relatives and friends
Some will be put to death
Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape
And that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.
(Luke 21:36)

In My House
There are no altars of carefully cut stones by the hands of man.
They do not have a form of godliness with no power
They gather with Me they do not scatter
They do not nullify the Word of God for the sake of their traditions.
They do not honor me with their lips with their hearts far away
They have not forsaken their first love
They are not lukewarm
They are not rich and in need of nothing
They are not friends with the world
They do not run after idols
They do not quench to Spirit's fire

This question I have set before all who claim My Name:
When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?

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