Saturday, May 7, 2011

Christ Jesus Boldly Confronts The World

Christ Jesus boldly confronts the world
And every person in it with the single word, REPENT!
REPENT, or you are without hope.
The gospel of Christ Jesus is only good news for those who repent.
He is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.
The only WAY, the only TRUTH and the only LIFE, that is, Eternal LIFE.
There is no alternative to Him; He is the Self-existent One;
The Creator of all things and the only Savior for mankind.
The world stands condemned before Him, steeped in sin;
Steeped in the deception of the devil who controls the world.
Yet, He invites everyone to come to Him and receive the LIFE He offers.

Christ Jesus confronts the world unafraid, without excuse,
Knowing that He is the only hope for mankind.

Christ Jesus came to a world in the darkness of sin 
And the deception of the devil.
The Light of Christ Jesus confronted the darkness of the world.
He was like a light turned on in the middle of a dark night,
Causing a person to shield their eyes, accustom to the darkness.

The Gospel of Christ Jesus, His good news, is confrontational.
It stands in stark opposition to the precepts of this world;
As Christ Jesus is in stark opposition to the evil one 
Who controls this world, and all who follow him.
In this world you either follow Christ Jesus or the evil one.
There is nothing in between.
If you follow the evil one your are dead, spirituality,
While you live naturally,
And upon your natural death you go to the Lake of Fire, 
God prepared for the devil.

Christ Jesus confronted the Jewish religion of his day;
The religion that God had given them through Moses.
He confronted the Christianity of the Seven Churches 
In His revelation to John.
Since He is the same yesterday, today and forever,
He has confronted Christianity and all false religion
In every generation for the last 2,000 years,
And today, He confronts what we know as Christianity, 
And all false religion.

If you do not receive Christ Jesus you are dead spiritually,
And upon your natural death you will go to a devil's hell.
Because Christ alone is the Spirit of LIFE; There is only One.
There is only One Creator, only One God, only One Savior.

Because Christ Jesus is the only WAY, the only TRUTH, 
And the only LIFE.
Only through His blood is there forgiveness of sin;
Only His blood can wash away your sins.
And only through the power of His Spirit living in you
Can you overcome this world and the evil one.
To be saved and have Eternal LIFE,
You must overcome this world and the evil one who controls it.

Repent is not simply turning away form sin,
It is receiving the Spirit of Christ,
And allowing His Spirit to live in and through you.
The only way anyone can resist sinning
Is having the Spirit of Christ Jesus living in and through them.
You cannot belong to Christ Jesus and continue a life of sin.

Christ Jesus proved He was God by the miracles that he did,
That no one else had ever done before Him.
He proved He was God by rising from the dead 
And showing Himself to 500;
By pouring out His Spirit on The Day of Pentecost;
By keeping His Church alive until today.

He will again prove that He is God
When He takes the “Woman” of Revelation 12
Into the desert and protects Her there during The Great Tribulation;
When He preserves Israel from those who seek to destroy her;
When He brings His Great Tribulation upon the earth
In a great judgment of mankind who refused Him, 
His Word and His Christ;
When He returns again to defeat the Antichrist,
The son of Satan at The Battle of Armageddon
With the breath of His mouth and the brightness of His appearing;
When He sets up His Kingdom on earth 
For the thousand year Millennium.

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