Wednesday, April 20, 2011

President Obama Misunderstands Passover

President Obama recently stated,
The story of Passover…instructs each generation to remember its past,
While appreciating the beauty of freedom 
And the responsibility it entails.
This year that ancient instruction is reflected in the daily headlines
As we see modern stories of social transformation
And liberation unfolding in the Middle East and North Africa.”
Having constructed a link between the Arab uprisings
And Chosen People's experiencing the miracles of the Creator
That led them out of Egypt 
And towards the receiving of the Ten Commandments,
The President concluded,
"As Jewish families gather for this joyous celebration of freedom,
Let us all be thankful for the gifts that have been bestowed upon us,
And let us work to alleviate the suffering, poverty, injustice,
And hunger of those who are not yet free.”

This statement reveals a fundamental 
And profound misunderstanding of Passover.

Passover resulted from a judgment of God Almighty 
On the nation of Egypt
Because they would not set the people of God free from their bondage
As He had demanded through Moses and Aaron.
Because of the recalcitrance of Pharaoh.
After many miraculous, preceding judgments,
God finally determined to kill the first born in all of Egypt,
Knowing that this final judgment 
Would break the stubbornness of Pharaoh
And that he would, then, set the Israelites free.

At the first Passover, God Almighty sent a death angel 
To kill the first born in all of Egypt.
To avoid the killing of their own first born,
God gave Moses specific instructions.
The final instruction was that every Israelite family
Was to apply the blood of a lamb without defect
To the top and sides of the door frame to their home,
So that when the death angel came by he would see the blood
And “passover that home” and not kill the first born within it.

In the New Covenant we learn that Christ Jesus is our “passover lamb,”
By faith we apply the blood of Christ Jesus to our lives,
And because of this we will be “passed over,” 
Saved from, the judgment of God
That will befall all who do not believe in the Christ of God.
God in His mercy will “passover” 
Those who put their faith in the Son of God,
The perfect representative of God, God in flesh.

The celebration of Passover for Christians is the celebration,
That, by faith, through our acceptance of the blood of Christ Jesus
For the forgiveness of our sins, the judgment of God will “passover” us.
We will be “saved” for all eternity by the phenomenal grace of God.

This is the meaning of Passover for Christians
And has nothing to do with political uprisings.
The only true freedom that exists, is that found in Christ Jesus.
It is His Truth, alone, that sets a person free.

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