Friday, July 31, 2020


Trump: ‘With Universal Mail-In Voting…2020 Will Be the Most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in History’

By Staff | July 30, 2020 | 4:32pm EDT


(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
( - President Donald Trump sent out a series of tweets in the last 24 hours expressing his reservations about the accuracy of universal mail-in voting.
“With Universal Mail-in Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history,” Trump said in a tweet.
“It will be a great embarrassment to the USA,” he said.
“Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???” he asked.


John MacArthur declares Independence Day for the American church
By Bryan Fischer
July 28, 2020

John MacArthur has declared Independence Day for the American Church.

MacArthur, one of America’s finest expositors and the pastor of Grace Community Church in Southern California, has openly defied California governor Gavin Newsom, who issued an utterly unconstitutional edict that churches were not, under any circumstances, allowed to meet.

MacArthur correctly pointed out that Governor Newsom is not the head of the church. 

Jesus Christ is. 

As he put it, “Christ, not Caesar, is head of the Church.” 

Jesus Christ has commanded his church to meet regularly and consistently whether the governor or any other secular authority likes it or not.

We are not, the Bible says, “to neglect (lit., “forsake” or “abandon”) to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day (of Christ’s return) drawing near” (Hebrews 10:25). 

Every day more and more of us are disobeying this directive of Scripture and getting more comfortable with it.

Jesus commands us to meet together. 

Governor Newsom commands us not to. 

The issue, to me, is crystal clear. 

Are we going to obey God or man?

In fact, if you listen to Scripture closely, it is more important now than it ever has been for the church to assemble together since the Day is closer now than it ever has been. 

The church, in other words, has a biblical duty to remain open, COVID-19 or no COVID-19.

Said MacArthur, “(W)e cannot and will not acquiesce to a government-imposed moratorium in our weekly worship.

... Compliance would be disobedience to our Lord’s clear commands.” He concludes his declaration of independence this way: 

“We, the pastors and elders of Grace Community Church, respectfully inform our civic leaders that they have exceeded their legitimate jurisdiction, and faithfulness to Christ prohibits us from observing the restrictions they want to impose on our corporate worship services.”

In other words, we do not need permission from the state to obey God.

This is a rather remarkable turn for MacArthur, who is such a stickler for Romans 13 that he teaches that the American Revolution was a giant sin, since it involved defiance of secular authority. 

Apparently his mind has been changed by the harsh reality of current circumstances.

(You might be able to make an unconvincing argument that actions taken before July 4, 1776, could be considered sinful rebellion, but you could not after. 

After the new nation came into being, the United States was now the new Romans 13 authority in America.)

Thomas Jefferson famously said 

“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God,” 

meaning that there is an authority higher than the state and it is that Authority who compels our highest allegiance. 

If we find ourselves in the unfortunate position of being forced to choose between the two, our choice is clear. 

In fact, Jefferson put the phrase on his personal seal, and advocated that it be included on the Great Seal of the United States.

Newsom’s tyrannical edicts have no legal force, since he has emergency powers for only 30 days. 

After 30 days, his emergency powers evaporate unless and until the legislature renews them, which it has not done. 

This means that it is Governor Newsom, not Grace Community Church, who is in violation of the law here.

The letter concludes, 

“Our prayer is that every faithful congregation will stand with us in obedience to our Lord as Christians have done through the centuries.”

There are 375,000 churches in the United States. 

If everyone of them decided to meet for worship this Sunday, there isn’t a thing government could do to stop them. 

There aren’t enough police officers or jail cells to hold them. 

They can’t arrest us all. 

The church would be invincible and unstoppable, all the things Jesus promised us it would be.

The author may be contacted at
Follow me on Facebook at “Focal Point” and on Twitter @bryanjfischer
Host of “Focal Point” on American Family Radio, 1:05 pm CT, M-F
© Bryan Fischer


Orgy of violence, lawlessness, systemic lying pouring out of America’s broken foundations
By Linda Kimball
July 30, 2020

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3

Due to the revised, untruthful history brought into our universities and lower schools many years ago under direction of Globalists such as the Rockefellers, most Americans no longer know the truth regarding the foundations of the Constitution and our freedoms. 

So what are the foundations of our nation that have been erased and rewritten so as to make America appear as a fount of white racism and other evils?

In The 5000 Year Leap, Cleon Skousen writes that most Americans in the early years of our Republic truly regarded the Constitution as a miracle, declaring that the formation and adoption of our new system of federal government represented a political achievement unprecedented in human history. 

The Founders believed the Constitution was destined to bless all mankind, and that it was incumbent on their successors to preserve and defend our national charter:
    "If we and our always in the fear of God and shall respect His Commandments...we may have the highest hopes of the future fortunes of our country.... But if we...neglect religious instruction and authority; violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality, and recklessly destroy the constitution which holds us together, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity." (Daniel Webster, Address to the New York Historical Society, 1852)
Skousen details the 28 great ideas utilized by the Founders in the formulation of our Republic. 

While some were derived from the Romans and others from the Anglo-Saxons, the greatest and most important foundations are Biblical. 

There are two foundations of supreme importance.

First, the Triune Creator God is uncreated, eternally existing, unchanging Reality Who spoke creation into existence ex nihilo. 

All that He created is His created reality:
    "… the foundation of all reality is the existence of the Creator, who is the designer of all things in nature and the promulgator of all the laws which govern nature. " (A Miracle that Changed the World: The 5000 Year Leap, Principles of Freedom, p. 101)
Second, the unique Biblical view of mankind is absolutely vital, for it's precisely from this – the most radical view of man ever known in human history – that our personhood, liberties and rights derive.

In this view, man is an animal only in the sense that his body is of the natural realm. 

Spiritually, he spiritually transcends the natural realm because he is an embodied soul/spirit, and it is this part of him, his being, that is made in the spiritual image of his transcendent Creator (Gen. 26-27, John 1). 

Each man and woman is a person endowed with innate dignity because created by the Creator God of Gen. 1 identified by the Apostle John as Jesus Christ, Second Person of the Trinity, the Son of God (John 1:1).

Man thinks, reasons, and loves because his personal Tri-Personal Creator thinks, reasons, and loves. 

Unique to man is free will. 

He can choose to lie or tell the truth; to give into bad impulses or not give into them; to seek truth, beauty and goodness, or conversely, to seek lies, ugliness, and evil. 

Divinely endowed, mankind – unlike all other creatures – is capable of self-government so long as his ability to reason is morally informed at all times.

There are only two created sexes, male and female, and there is only one human race of many different skin colors. 

As all men are the creatures of the living Creator, they comprise a spiritual brotherhood obviously meant to be free.

All of these truths were known by the Founders to be immutable, that is, good everywhere, in all times and not subject to change. 

All together, these immutable truths were vigorously affirmed throughout the writings of the Founders and encapsulated by them like this:
    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." – Declaration of Independence
For more than sixty years, Americans have been destroying the foundations of our nation in our failure to live in the fear of the Lord and in respect of His Commandments. 

From the end of WW II up to now, we have” violated the rules of eternal justice, trifled with the injunctions of morality, recklessly destroyed the constitution which held us together.” 

Throughout all of this, the church mainly stood by while unbelieving Christian intellectuals and seminarians imported various heresies and abominated the Bible by replacing the Genesis account with anti-Christ Darwinism:
    "Darwinism came at the desired time; Darwin's theory that man is the descendant of a lower animal destroyed the entire foundation of Christian dogma." (Anton Pannekoek, "Marxism and Darwinism,”)
The anti-Christ evolutionary view of man is an artificial origin account from hell that reduces all humans to weeds, fish, bugs, and apes. 

Ideologically, this view is subhumanism, which denies the souls of human beings, meaning that for human beings, reality is non-self.

During this time of decline, watchmen such as Skousen tried, mostly in vain, to warn Americans of the insidious schemes and plots hatched by Godless Globalists and their servants, America’s Ruling Class and the corrupt, worldly church that Archbishop Vigano described in his letter to President Trump as a deep state church.

In his book, The Naked Communist, Skousen detailed the communist and deep state church’s diabolical plan to destroy our nation from within. 

In back of this plan, directing and funding it, was our Ruling Class and deep-pocket Globalists who paved the way for communists and corrupt churchmen to engage in a ‘long walk’ through our religious, political, and culture sustaining institutions to seize control and slowly pervert them. 

In Chapter 13 of his book Skousen lists 45 goals of communism in America. Number 17 reads:
    Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of the teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.”
Though some Americans heeded Skousen’s warnings, most did not. 

Nor did they heed warnings issued by subsequent watchmen. 

Thus while Americans slept our children were taught to hate America, to hate God, to hate the church, to hate the Christian foundations of our national identity, to hate their parents, hate authority, and hate the Founding generation who built this country on the principles of the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and the Federalist Papers.

Now violent storms of revolutionary energy from hell are upon us. 

After decades of indoctrination the chaos, lawlessness, and raging Godless mobs on our streets demonizing President Trump and the men of good will who support him as well as attacking police, assaulting private citizens and business owners, vandalizing property 

– both federal and private alike, tearing down statues, setting fire to churches, setting up “autonomous zones”, defacing synagogues, and screaming hate are our own children.

Because we did not heed the warnings what we also see today within the church is unbelief with regard to the spread of various occultisms and heresies. 

As well we see unbelief with respect to the first chapters of Genesis, and the existence of the supernatural heaven, miracles, and hell. 

Within the church accepting LGBTQ+ marriage, intersectionality, Critical Race Theory, and racial reconciliation due to ‘systemic white racism,’ we see unbelief in the inerrancy of the Bible, the two created sexes and one created human race. Unbelief is the problem:
    Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.” Hebrews 3:12
Because the Foundations are broken and lost, America is now an apostate society of Godless idolatrous people who have forgotten their own souls. 

In accepting Darwinism, the Godless have dehumanized themselves and from deep within their fallen idol-making imaginations they invent bizarre new identities every day that through broken, perverted law they force upon all Americans.

By the actions of Globalists, the Ruling Class, the deep church, and Godless Americans in general, we can see how they heap contempt upon the Creator’s (John 1) creational norms, boundaries and immutable Laws. 

These are signs of how deeply the Godless have fallen into disorder and madness for they have ‘changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator.” 

And this is why God has given them up to “vile affections…” (Romans 1: 25-27)

The Godless and unbelievers at every level of society and especially within the church must repent and mend their foolish, wicked ways. 

In this regard faithful, orthodox Christians must be about the Lord’s work. 

First, we must be diligent in confession, repentance, and prayer. 

Second, if we are to confront unbelief within church and society we need Christians equipped and informed to engage strongholds of darkness within the fallen, idol-making imaginations of the Godless. 

We desperately need Christians bold and steadfast in faith, courageous in conviction and equipped to engage unbelief as our Lord has commanded:
    For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
© Linda Kimball


Church of the woke: “Hands up, don’t shoot”
By Jerry Newcombe
July 29, 2020

During these days of COVID-19, when many churches remain closed by government mandate to keep the virus from spreading, a new religion has arisen in the country…and it’s all based on a myth.

Citizens Free Press (7/25/20) posts a video in Portland, Oregon, where you can see worshipers of the “Church of the Woke,” participating in an outdoor religious service. 

This consists of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of souls, shining their lights and chanting, “Hands up, don’t shoot me.” 

And they certainly do not appear to be practicing social distancing.

In 2014, in Ferguson, MO, Michael Brown was killed by a police officer. The myth says that he was walking away from the police officer, and saying, “Hands up, don’t shoot” when the officer shot him in the back.

The Obama administration’s investigation, however, found instead that Brown had raced toward the police officer and reached into his car in an effort to grab his gun. 

The officer shot Brown to stop him.

On March 17, 2015, after the Department of Justice released its findings on the Michael Brown shooting, Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post posted this video commentary, saying that the “hands up, don’t shoot” line turns out to be a “false narrative.”

Capehart says the “hands up, don’t shoot” line—although in actuality false—resonated because of the perceived reality of police brutality against unarmed black men and boys.

Says Capehart: “It’s imperative we continue marching for, and giving voice to, those of us killed at the hands of police and others. 

But we must never allow ourselves to march under the banner of a false narrative on behalf of someone who would otherwise offend our sense of right and wrong.”

I see “Hands up, don’t shoot” on T-shirts or placards, and it’s all a myth.

And now we even have virtual worshipers from the Church of the Woke singing “hymns,” chanting, “Hands up, don’t shoot.” 

This reminds me of the line attributed to G.K. Chesterton: 

“When a man stops believing in God, he doesn't then believe in nothing, he believes anything.”

What a contrast are all myths, modern and ancient, when compared with the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is rooted in history. 

If Jesus had not bodily, literally, physically walked out of His tomb, then Christianity would indeed be a myth. 

But He not only arose from the dead, but He appeared repeatedly to His disciples, providing them with “many infallible proofs” that He was alive.

Mason Weaver is an author and motivational speaker and a dedicated Christian. 

Many years ago, he had been involved in the Black Panthers. 

He thought hating the white man was the way to go. 

He personally experienced a racist attack at the hands of a fellow Navy seaman that almost killed him.

After Weaver was attacked in the early 1970s, he says, “I got out of the Navy, and I went to Berkeley, where I ran across other black men that hated America and they hated society, and they hated the principles of this country. 

And we began to hate together, because you are who you associate with. But I had this emptiness in me.”

As Mason began to be consumed by hate and the desire for revenge, childhood memories of his Christian upbringing began to nudge his conscience. 

He began to realize the significance of Jesus having risen from the dead, which transformed His disciples.

In a television interview for D. James Kennedy Ministries, Mason said, “I began to look for God again. 

And what I discovered was, in searching for God, it came down to those disciples. 

Those disciples saw something, something they witnessed that changed their very characteristics. 

It changed who they were. 

You had cowardly, self-centered men…and all of a sudden, some incident happened, and they became bold warriors, not afraid of death any longer. 

They saw something. It was the resurrection.”

Weaver adds, “And I had to recognize as an angry black militant, speaking Swahili, who hung out with Black Panthers, I had to recognize that God Almighty was born of woman just for me…. 

He allowed His precious holy body to be nailed to the cross with me in mind, personally, my name…. 

He came out of the grave for me, went to heaven for me, and will come back for me. 

And when I finally recognized that Jesus Christ did not compromise with me, on the cross, I took a deep long breath and said, ‘I can no longer compromise with Him in the world.’”

Mason Weaver discovered the Church of Jesus is based on historical facts, as opposed to the false narratives that stoked his hatred. 

Coming face to face with the reality of Jesus, who is Truth Incarnate, is what we all need—including those of the Church of the Woke.
Jerry Newcombe, D.Min., is the senior producer and an on-air host for D. James Kennedy Ministries. He has written/co-written 32 books, e.g., The Unstoppable Jesus Christ, American Amnesia: Is American Paying the Price for Forgetting God?, What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? (w/ D. James Kennedy), and the bestseller, George Washington's Sacred Fire (w/ Peter Lillback) @newcombejerry

© Jerry Newcombe


Federal agents set to deploy in Detroit, Cleveland, Milwaukee to curb rising crime

'The most basic responsibility of government is to protect the safety of our citizens'

By Jake Dima
Daily Caller News Foundation
Federal agents are set to deploy in Detroit, Cleveland and Milwaukee to as part of a program to assist local law enforcement amid rising crime, the Department of Justice announced Wednesday.
Nearly 100 U.S. Marshals, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) personnel and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agents will supplement local authorities in investigating and curbing violent incidents in the three cities, according to a DOJ release.
The recent move is part of Operation Legend, a larger federal program by President Donald Trump’s administration to address noticeable rises in violent crime that stem from national unrest since May, the press release said.
“The most basic responsibility of government is to protect the safety of our citizens,” Attorney General William Barr said. “Today, we have extended Operation Legend to Cleveland, Detroit, and Milwaukee, three cities that have seen disturbing increases in violent crime, particularly homicides.”


Trump recovers $200 million Obama gave to failed solar plant

DOE reaches settlement over plant deemed obsolete before it was completed

Barack Obama (Video screenshot)
By Chris White
Daily Caller News Foundation
The Department of Energy reached a settlement Thursday to recover $200 million in taxpayer funds from a loan the Obama administration distributed in 2011 to finance a $1 billion solar power plant that was deemed obsolete before it could officially go online.
The settlement between DOE and Tonopah Solar Energy must now be approved by a bankruptcy court, the Las Vegas Review Journal reported.


Texas Education Agency will not fund schools closed under unlawful health orders

Announcement potentially conflicts with agency's previous guidance

(CHRON) – A TEA spokesman said Thursday the no-funding rule applies only to unlawful closures. In his guidance letter, Paxton indicates local health orders to close schools are unlawful, but as the Houston Chronicle reports, that guidance is not legally binding. In a statement released Wednesday, the TEA said it will still fund schools that are closed under lawful health orders.
“School systems planning on starting the year with 100 percent remote instruction will still be fully funded in accordance with TEA’s previously announced 8-week back to school transition funding waiver," Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath said in the statement. "Lawful building closure orders will continue to enable a school system to be funded when providing remote-only instruction. Also, it’s important to note that the school start date remains at the discretion of local school boards."
Shortly after Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sent out a guidance letter stating local health authorities cannot issue orders that close schools as a preventive measure to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Texas Education Agency issued guidance that said it will not fund schools that are closed under unlawful local health orders.


Dem publisher won't post notice of pro-life event

'Contrary to my views as a longtime advocate of pro-choice rights'

By Mary Margaret Olohan
Daily Caller News Foundation
The publisher of a Democratic events calendar refused Tuesday to publish a pro-life event during the Democratic National Convention, saying she was “just not comfortable” posting an event that is “inconsistent” with the Democratic Party platform.
DemList publisher Kimberly Scott refused to publish the remote event “Pro-Life Caucus at the DNC” in an email response to Democrats for Life Executive Director Kristen Day. Scott told Day that she opposed the ideology behind the event and was “not comfortable” posting it on the Democratic events calendar.


Are we seeing the collapse of public education? One can hope

Exclusive: Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D., envisions more homeschooling & parental freedom

That thunderous noise that sounds like the Twin Towers crashing down is public education collapsing. Big teacher unions are using blackmail tactics for the reopening of schools, while wealthy school districts refuse to reopen as teachers continue to receive full pay.
With the closing of schools in March over the pandemic, parents have once again become their children's teachers. They have had an opportunity to see firsthand what their children are learning – and not learning – and many are balking at sending them back to the public classroom. Even for schools that do reopen, virtual learning will continue along with the Twilight Zone restrictions recommended by the CDC.
national poll shows that 40% of parents are more likely to homeschool once the shutdown ends. So many parents were withdrawing their children from the system to homeschool that a government website in North Carolina crashed.


Why we should believe none of the polls

Exclusive: Lowell Ponte says most surveys of Americans today are wildly inaccurate

The November election is already decided, say many in the left-leaning media, and President Donald Trump has lost, almost 100 days before Election Day.
Some polls show Democratic presidential standard-bearer Joe Biden leading by as much as 13 points, "a nearly-insurmountable lead" that leftist pundits say Mr. Trump almost certainly cannot overcome. This has led some on the right to despair.
Both major parties are in transition. Democrats are transforming from liberalism to globalist socialism, and abandoning the blue-collar working class. Republicans are metamorphosing from globalism to pro-worker American populism.
Gallup this month declared that "since January Americans' party preferences have shifted dramatically. … What had been a 2-percentage point Republican advantage … has become an 11-point Democratic advantage."


Democrats block temporary extension of unemployment benefits

Special benefit of $600 expiring

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. (Photo: Screenshot/MSNBC)
Democrats in Congress on Thursday blocked a temporary extension of a special federal unemployment benefit that is expiring this week.
It was because the GOP wouldn't meet their demands on a plan to spend a massive $3 trillion on various programs.
The Washington Examiner reported Senate Democrats, led by Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., opposed the additional, temporary benefits for Americans put in financial straits by the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Republicans voted to open debate next week for the consideration of proposals to extend them at a level at or below the current $600 weekly amount," the report said. Schumer blocked attempts to extend the benefits temporarily – including one proposing to add another seven days of eligibility.


Dinesh D'Souza: Antifa is a direct outcome of university education

Tells Candace Owens conservatives need 'counter-narrative,' not just facts

Candace Owens interviews Dinesh D'Souza (Video screenshot)
In an interview with Candace Owens, author and filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza said the violence by Antifa radicals and others in response to the death of George Floyd is a direct result of progressive indoctrination at America's colleges and universities.
"Academia is the theory, and Antifa is the practice," D'Souza said on "The Candace Owens Show."
Discussing his new book "United States of Socialism: Who's Behind It. Why It's Evil. How to Stop It," D'Souza was responding to Owens' comment that America has "replaced a solid education system with psychological conditioning."
Students are being taught "anti-Americanism," she said, graduating with a hatred for Western civilization and capitalism.


Big Tech censors debate on hydroxychloroquine

'An epidemiology professor at Yale isn't a real doctor?'

Dr. Simone Gold, a board certified emergency physician in Los Angeles, at a press conference in front of the Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., July 27, 2020, featuring physicians who participated in a "White Coat Summit." (Video screenshot)
The posting of a video of doctors testifying that they've seen first-hand what peer-reviewed studies worldwide indicate – that hydroxychloroquine is a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19 – has resulted in the temporary suspension of social media accounts of PragerU, other prominent conservatives and one of the doctors in the video.
Twitter explained that PragerU and others were suspended because of the social media platform's "policy on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19," Breitbart News reported.


Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Unsealed – Bill Clinton Was on Epstein Island with Jeffrey Epstein, Maxwell and “2 Young Girls”

By Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit, July 30, 2020:
Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyers tried to keep x-rated evidence related to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein from going public, but a judge denied the appeal and released damning docs on Thursday evening.

Epstein’s pimp, Ghislaine Maxwell is currently in federal custody awaiting trial.
A witness interview revealed Bill Clinton was at Epstein’s pedophile island with Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and “2 young girls.”